Georgia Tech Creates First Online Graduate Certificate in Data Science for the Chemical Industry
Specialized credential seeks to bridge the data gap for chemical engineers in less time than it takes to earn a master's

ATLANTA - February 17, 2020 - The Georgia Institute of Technology has announced a new online graduate certificate program: Data Science for the Chemical Industry. As a collaboration between Georgia Tech's College of Engineering and Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE), this credit-bearing program is the only credential of its kind, preparing chemical engineers with the skills and expertise they need for the future of work.
"Georgia Tech provides a distinct academic experience bolstered by an outstanding reputation. Graduate education has become vitally important in today's global community and this certificate program offers an opportunity for students to advance their education and career," said Steve McLaughlin, dean of the College of Engineering and Southern Company chair. "Accessibility combined with challenging coursework and outstanding faculty will prepare these learners to take on leadership roles in their field."
As chemical, energy, and manufacturing companies worldwide race to take advantage of big data trends in what has become known as Industry 4.0, a key need for that sector is strong domain knowledge in chemical engineering coupled with skills in data science.
"Data-driven methods will revolutionize chemical manufacturing, so chemical engineers with skills in this rapidly growing area will be at the vanguard of this trend. This new online program offers a powerful avenue for working engineers to lead the way in this important area," said David Sholl, chair of the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and John F. Brock, III school chair.
Designed to be completed in one-to-two years, the certificate consists of six hours of core coursework on foundational data science methods, with a strong emphasis on applications in the chemical process industry. An additional six hours of electives will provide the opportunity to focus on a specific area of interest and are selected from within Georgia Tech’s highly successful online master's degree in analytics.
In addition to addressing the needs of the chemical industry, these electives offer increased flexibility for learners who are looking for a more customized option. This type of credential is crucial in today's workforce as it prepare learners with the skills and expertise they need to get ahead, without the long-term commitment of a master's program.
"Technological advances are a key driver of change in our workplaces. Chemical engineers and other STEM professionals are particularly in need of career-long education because working with constantly evolving technology is such a central part of their jobs," said Nelson Baker, dean of GTPE.
As an added benefit, the graduate certificate can either stand alone, be stacked as part of a master's degree, or be pursued by learners already enrolled in master's programs, thus enabling them to graduate with both a master's and a graduate certificate in a certain area.
The Online Graduate Certificate in Data Science for the Chemical Industry is currently accepting applications and will launch Aug. 17. Additional details on the program can be found at
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