Introduction to Java Programming II: Object-Oriented Programming and Algorithms
Massive Open Online Course
- Overview
- Course Content
- Requirements & Materials
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the basics of object-oriented programming and algorithms.

What You Will Learn
- How to write instantiable classes that serve as blueprints of concepts or objects
- The basics of encapsulation and information hiding
- The fundamentals of method overloading and overriding
- How to write and use interfaces
- How polymorphism is handled at compile time and runtime
- The basics of UML
- Algorithms for sorting data and how they are implemented in Java
- Algorithms for searching data and how they are implemented in Java
- The basics of complexity and Big O notation when it comes to analyzing algorithms

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The course schedule was well-structured with a mix of lectures, class discussions, and hands-on exercises led by knowledgeable and engaging instructors.