Modern Energy Management Systems

  • Overview
  • Course Content
  • Requirements & Materials

Modern Energy Management Systems

Course Description

In this course, explore the design principles and practical applications of modern energy management systems, Independent System Operators (ISOs), and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs). You will examine hardware, software, communications, and user interfaces. Develop a clear understanding of the philosophy of modern power system operations and the role of energy management systems, their design, and actual implementation. You will survey past and current practices, as well as trends in the state-of-the-art design of energy management systems. You will also discuss new requirements imposed by deregulation, open access, and competition.

Course Content


  • EMS description
    • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system
    • Computers
    • User interface
  • Functions
  • Applications software
  • Current practices and trends
  • Impact of recent legislation
  • Independent operation (ISO, RTO)
  • Data standardization
  • Visualization tools
  • Online information systems


  • Overview and evolution
  • Standards
  • System architectures/remote terminal units (RTUs)/intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)
  • User interface
  • Alarm/event processing
  • Communications/protocols
  • Interface to IEDs


  • Overview
  • System control modes
  • Unit control modes
  • Unit models
  • Implementation
  • AGC and open access
  • New North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) criteria for AGC
  • Performance monitoring


  • Overview
  • Unit heat rate characteristics
  • Operating constraints
    • Prohibited zones
    • Emissions


  • Power market operation
  • Power transaction evaluation
  • Visualization tools
  • Short term load forecasting
  • Unit commitment


  • Justification
  • Least square methods
  • Bad data detection and rejection
  • Quality of state estimation
  • Synchronized measurements
  • Computer workshop
  • Remote calibration
  • State estimation for RTOs


  • Real time model
  • External network modeling
  • Congestion management
  • Static security assessment
  • Simultaneous transfer capability
  • Reactive power control
  • Optimal power flow
  • Contingency ranking and analysis
  • Security controls
  • Dynamic security assessment
  • Effects of load dynamics
  • Security/congestion visualization tools
  • Ancillary services market
  • Computer workshop


  • Bidding process, vendor selection, and request for proposal (RFP)
  • Specifications: functional, design, and test plans
  • Testing of software
  • Testing with real data
  • Role of the migration links
  • Network applications testing
    • Network configurator
    • State estimator
    • External estimator
    • Network sensitivity
    • Contingency analysis
    • Dispatcher power flow/optimal power flow and its usage in EMS
  • Software and database maintenance
  • Periodic performance evaluations
  • Locational marginal pricing


  • Purpose
  • Requirements
  • Control subsystem
  • Simulation subsystem
  • Modeling subsystem
  • User interface
  • Usefulness
  • Training scenario examples
  • Problems in maintenance
  • Manpower requirements
Requirements & Materials



  • Power System Modeling Control and Operation by A.P. Meliopoulos; Book Draft, 800 pages

Session Details

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for electric power utility engineers in energy management system design, ISO or RTO design, operations, and planning studies; consulting and manufacturing engineers; engineers with equipment supply companies of hardware and software components for energy management systems; engineers involved in utility work; university power system educators; and graduate students.

Working professional attending an engineering course

What You Will Learn

  • Modern energy management systems
  • State estimation
  • Economic operation
  • Network security
  • The smart grid
  • Modern scada systems
  • Distribution management system
  • Practical overview
Picture of several power towers against a sunset

How You Will Benefit

  • Study the control and operation of modern power systems.
  • Review hardware architectures (SCADA, IEDs, computers, and communication components), communication software, applications software, and user interfaces.
  • Examine real-time control functions performed by modern energy management systems.
  • Review modern user interfaces and visualization methods, and discuss new needs and emerging practices imposed by deregulation and open access.
  • Taught by Experts in the Field icon
    Taught by Experts in the Field
  • Grow Your Professional Network icon
    Grow Your Professional Network

The course schedule was well-structured with a mix of lectures, class discussions, and hands-on exercises led by knowledgeable and engaging instructors.

- Abe Kani


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